Shot in the Face

This writing prompt started with a dream Jess had one night.  She told her friend Teresa Petro about it at lunch one day.  After a little discussion, they came up with a writing prompt. 

The dream went like this: Jess was drinking heavily with her friends in a crowded room.  Moments later, they were all on a dimly lit street corner watching television. A few more moments after that, all of her friends had been replaced with men who wanted to rape her.   So, she started running.  She found an abandoned car to hide in.  As she crotched on the floor, she looked around and found a gun. Just before she woke up, Jess shot her potential rapist in the face.

There are many ways you can go with this dream when writing a poem.  Here are some ideas:

1)    You could choose to do what we did.  We chose to write about our reaction to being shot in the face.

2)    Another writing prompt might be to write a narrative poem about the actual dream Jess had. Either from the point of view of the rapist, or the victim.

3)    And, as always, you can write about your own dreams.

Let’s see what happens!  Remember, you don’t need to stick specifically to one prompt.  Go where the writing takes you!



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