It's bidness time.

My suggestion? Jump on the business card band wagon. I love band wagons. I am literally riding one right now.
If you aren't into business cards because they aren't very ecologically sound, try making your own website. This can actually help you to expand what people know about you. For example, my website has both a semi-critical reading of a poem I have written, as well as my CV. You can find this information here: Admittedly, I did steal this idea from Teresa Petro-Micchelli. Her site is here:
Teresa also has a series of blogs she keeps up with so take a look at the links page.
Do you have a web page or a ridiculous picture (like mine) of your business card you want to share? Post your reply comments to this entry!
And, as always, submissions for publication in this blog are always open.
(The title of this post was brought to you by The Flight of the Concords, and the letter R).
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