Submission Guidelines


You may want to take a look at what we've published before to get a brief idea of the kind of work we are looking for.   Basically, we'd like to see more experimental work, so please include that, too.  If we've published you before, by all means, send some more work. 

You can submit as much or as little poetry at one time as you like.  Send all submissions to

The last day to submit for publication in the Winter Edition is February 28th @ Midnight.

If you are published we hold First North American Serial Rights and electronic rights, as well as the right to archive your work until the end of time. We also hold the right to publish your work in our annual print anthology. You can withdraw a submission at any time, except if it is already printed on paper and inside of a book.  You always have the copyright to your own stuff — just cite No Teeth as the initial publication if you reprint it somewhere.


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