Poems by Brian Rosenberger

You Stupid Bitch

I wait as you fumble for your debit card, can't recall the PIN number, call Daddy twice in hopes of a miracle but he ain't answering, not bothering to acknowledge the growing line behind your Bedazzler bedecked behind or remove your costume sunglasses, and clasp my hands in prayer, silently mouth the words to Hallelujah, check the aisle in search of a sacrificial lamb to appease the Gods of Hurry-the-fuck-up and pivot towards Mecca when you dig through that flea market of a purse for a check unsuccessfully, all the while grinning, a dollar for a giant piece of chocolate is still a bargain worth waiting for in my book and I've got five dollars worth.


To say he is vain is an understatement
He's the only person I know
that ejaculates pictures of himself
For an autographed one,
$25 bucks, cheap

Age of Dunces

Her cable service interrupted
a real cliff hanger she had not anticipated
Friday night ruined as a result

His blood pressure rockets
after repeatedly being instructed
to turn off his cell
as the plane waits for clearance

Someone somewhere experiences
a true moment of dread
no toilet paper

still, the Earth floats

Brian Rosenberger lives in a cellar in Marietta, GA and writes by the light of captured fireflies. Recent and upcoming publishing credits include the anthologies The Book of Tentacles, Side Show 2, The Terror of Miskatonic Falls and Ghostlight and Hungur magazines. Additional updates can be found at http://home.earthlink.net/~brosenberger.


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